• Heated Loading Arms
    All WSI loading/unloading arm configurations are available as steam jacketed, or trace heated, or contra heated
  • PTFE Lined
    All WSI loading/unloading arm configurations are available with PTFE lining
  • Drip Bucket and Bucket Hook
    A hook on the end of the Drop Tube and a bucket to catch product drips
  • T Deflector
    A ‘T’ piece fitted to the end of the Drop Tube to deflect the flow as it enters the tank…Top only
  • Cone Deflector
    A Cone fitted to the end of the Drop Tube to spread the flow evenly as it enters the tank…Top only
  • Telescopic Drop Tubes
    To enable the product to be dispensed in to the tank at the lowest level possible. Also used for continuity between the loading arm and the tank. Manual and powered…Top Only
  • Drop Tube Handle
    A manual handle on the Drop Tube for handling the loading arm…Top Only
  • Bonding Straps
    A hard wired link across each swivel joint to maintain continuity
  • Balance Mechanisms
    Arms are balanced by heavy-duty compression spring with 90° of total movement. Alternative balance mechanisms available are gas strut, counterweight, pneumatic and hydraulic
  • Ground Verification Monitor
    An explosion proof electrical control system to continually monitor static charge accumulation in the vehicle. Communicates with the DCS to allow operations to start/carry-on only when the static accumulation is below recommended levels
  • Rack Monitor
    Where applicable. An explosion proof electrical control system that continuously monitors the high level liquid sensors in a tank/compartment. In the event of a high level signal or a sensor failure the monitor shuts down the loading operation
  • Breakaway Device
    In the event of a vehicle drive away the Breakaway device with shear and seal the connection to the loading arm and to the vehicle
  • Remote Shut Down
    Spring closed, air open shut off valve activated remotely
  • Parallel Device
    Maintains the Drop Tube is a parallel position regardless of the position of the Primary Tube.
  • Control Valves/Isolation Valves
    Manual or automated control valve or isolation valve mounted before the inlet to the loading arm or mounted within the loading arm to control flow or act as an isolation valve
  • Purging Points or system
    To allow an inert product to clear out any remaining product in the arm
  • Parking Adapter
    A device to retain the loading arm in it’s parked position
  • Parking Adapter and Drip Collection
    A Parking funnel attached to the loading rake with a drain pipe to a central collection point
  • Position Sensor
    Electrical explosion proof proximity or limit switch (s) to advise the position of the loading arm
  • High Level Detection
    Electrical explosion proof sensor to advise when the liquid has reached a predetermined point…Top only
  • Vapour Recovery
    • Vapour plate and vapour hose
      Mounted on the Drop Tube of an open dome fill operation to divert most of the displaced vapours from the tank away from the loading area. Usually includes High Level Detection…Top only
    • Vapour Cone and vapour hose
      Mounted on the Drop Tube of an open dome fill operation to divert the majority of displaced vapours from the tank away from the loading area. Always includes High Level Detection…Top only
    • Piggy Back Vapour Hose
      For Tight Fill operations, a vapour hose is carried by the loading arm and used to divert all the displaced vapours away from the loading area
  • Hold Down
    An assembly to provide a physical lock for when the arm is in the lowered and loading/unloading position. Recommended on Variable Reach Loading Arms…Top only
  • Check Valve
    Mounted in the Primary to prevent product being drawn back in through the loading arm. Also acts as a pilfering deterrent
  • Leak Detection System
    Monitors each swivel joint for signs of primary seal failure to give early warning of a potential leak to atmosphere
  • Stand Post:
    A fabricated stand to which the loading/unloading arm is attached. Most large Top Loading Arms and some Bottom Loading Arms come with a Stand Post
  • Outboard End Connections to suit the application:
    Hammer Union, Dry- Break/Dry-Gas Couplers and Adapters, Cam and Grove Couplers and Adapters, Lap Flange connections