Mayank GandhiActivist
MG’s StoriesAs on
1st Oct 2023
Earlier, Parli had 6 droughts in 8 years. Since plantations began, the green cover has induced excellent rainfall in the last 4 years
The water table changed from 500 feet deep to 60 feet deep.
Transforming drought-hit, arid areas
Recharging underground aquifers
222 Crore liters of water storage
70kms of deepening and widening of the river
164 farm ponds,
62 check dams, 5 KT weirs, etc.
120 river recharge shafts and many more!
The "easiest, cheapest and fastest way" to fight the climate crisis is mass plantation of trees.
3 Crore+ fruit trees
Drip irrigation
Approximate! 25 Lakh tons of C02 sequestered*
Increasing carbon content in the soil
Constructing mini-ponds to enhance micro organism
Promoting Zero wastage farming
Bee farming